
遊戲介紹:這是樂高殭屍屋的續集,這款屍變大戰的內容更多,場景很讚,而且不只能用的武器變多了,還可以在戰場上架設各式防禦性砲台,讓戰場血流成河!,評分4.5(90)·Azombievirus,broughttoBOXHEADWorldbyameteoritethatfellunexpectedly,continuestoturnpeopleintothezombies.,FightyourwaythroughhordesofzombiesaseitherBieverorBabyinthisnewBoxheadgame!playBoxhead2PlayRooms.Boxhead2PlayRooms.Playwithafriendin ...Bo...

樂高殭屍屋: 屍變大戰(BoxHead - The Zombie Wars)

遊戲介紹: 這是樂高殭屍屋的續集,這款屍變大戰的內容更多,場景很讚,而且不只能用的武器變多了,還可以在戰場上架設各式防禦性砲台,讓戰場血流成河!


評分 4.5 (90) · A zombie virus, brought to BOXHEAD World by a meteorite that fell unexpectedly, continues to turn people into the zombies.


Fight your way through hordes of zombies as either Biever or Baby in this new Boxhead game! play Boxhead 2Play Rooms. Boxhead 2Play Rooms. Play with a friend in ... Boxhead The Zombie Wars · Boxhead 2Play Rooms · Name

BOXHEAD 2PLAY ROOMS free online game on

The Boxheads are back in a Christmas edition full of action! Unlock new characters, weapons and levels as you make progress in your fight against zombies.

Boxhead the Zombie Wars

Boxhead the Zombie Wars is trendy, 410747 total plays already! Play this Tommy Gun game for free and prove your worth. Enjoy Boxhead the Zombie Wars now!

Our Childhood Game, BoxHead 2Play.. We Remade It!:D

My friend u/Marokai99 and I remade our childhood game! We ported it for Android, it is available on the Google Play Store - Just search BoxHead & Zombies: ...

Have you played boxhead zombie wars On the steam deck

Boxhead 2 Play Rooms - By far the best survival zombie game I have ever played, above even what I've played on consoles · r/WebGames - Boxhead ...

Boxhead Zombie Wars

評分 4.5 (1,298) · 免費 · 遊戲 Zombie wars are starting the biggest and the last battle! Now, there are countless zombies against you and you are alone in this battle.

Boxhead 2Play

評分 4.4 (21,962) · 免費 · 遊戲 This version gives us a chance to play this game with 2 players. You can play this game as multiplayer by choosing Cooperative from the game menu.